Sorry it has been so long, since I last posted. Not much to report, just a couple things which I will get to later. For now it is Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) that I have some exciting news about!
On February 17 I got THE email! I have been invited to attend Team Training at their March 29 - April 9 Training!!!!!! Of course there is no guarantee that I will come home with a puppy (more about that in a moment). Sadly that is Easter weekend and Amanda (my partner in crime! Wahaha! aka Team Training Assistant) is not able to come, however I was informed that she does not have to be there, if she can GREAT!!!! if not, that is okay. That is SUCH a sucky weekend! Oh well!
Anyway, yesterday I received my Team Training Student Manual (basically a binder filled with all sorts of information!). I was able to look at about half of it last night (I was doing my taxes, Thanks Daddy for your help! and my chequebook), the rest I will look at tonight.
Here is the basic schedule:
Check in at the Campus Dorm in Sunday March 28 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, with an orientation at 7:30 pm.
Classes start on Monday March 29 at 9:00 am
Graduation is April 9
Check out is anytime after Graduation or 10:00 am on April 10.
I will try to write each day about my experiences during Team Training and will add pictures where I can.
They provide lunch everyday, except Easter Sunday (that is a free day, so I get to go a crowded church). Breakfast and dinner is up to me, they do have a kitchen that is available to use and a Gasp! Shall I dare say it! A
TRADER JOES near by!!!!!!!!
Some people want to know what I will need. I will list below what CCI does provide (which is quite a bit actually):
Bowls - for food and water
CCI I.D. Equipment - specific to the student's placement category
Dog Food - They will send home a 20 lb bag with us (cross your fingers and pray that there will be an us).
Grooming Supplies - brush, shedding blade, flea comb, nail clippers, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.
(Thank GOD!!!!)
Toys - Fleece toy (for interactive play)
Training Equipment - appropriate collars and leashes
Veterinary Products - Heartguard, and anti flea products.
You know I never realized there was SOOO much for a pet, either that I forgot!
CCI said not to buy a bed, since I do not know the size of the dog. We will be visiting a pet store to get toys and treats, Jay knows what works and what doesn't.
Now an important note from CCI to family and friends:
"It is particularly critical in the first month after Team Training that you (they mean me) establish control and achieve responsiveness in your dog. In conjunction with getting to know and bonding with your (again me) dog, setting the ground rules and maintaining control and leadership will be your (that is me) primary focus."
"An important consideration is how family and friends should interact with the dog. It is very important that family and friends regard the dog as a working animal. It will be detrimental to the working relationship in the long run if the dog receives inviting looks, petting or verbal stimulation from those around you (me). Therefore, the best way your family and friends can support you is to ignore the dog for the first month home. This does not mean you (me) cannot discuss the dog or share with others what the dog is trained to do for you (again me), but they are not to interact with the dog via petting or prolonged eye contact."
Okay. I think that is it at the moment. Check back often to see my news I have.
Peace! C