So much has happened in these 2 years. Renelle and I were matched in Team Training at CCI in April 2010, I was laid off from my job in October 2010, went to Iowa for Christmas and got a white one to boot! Jay was matched with Kennedy at GDA in July 2011, and we moved in together and moved to another city in July 2011.
We have met many wonderful people over the years, but most importantly we have grown together as a couple and as individuals. A lot more growth to come!
Enjoy these photos of our girls. Happy Halloween!
Kennedy's puppy raiser sent these costumes for the girls. Renelle was okay with it, just a bit small for my girl, however Kennedy......well the picture says how she feels! Plus it was too small for her. I think costumes for dogs are meant for the small dogs....
I then switched to the Halloween Bandana's that Renelle wore last year.
They seem to not mind these. but mined taking pictures!. I left them on the for the evening.
Left -Ghosts, Right - Werewolf.
Hope everyone had a safe and fun day.
Peace! C & R