PitaPata Dog tickers

PitaPata Dog tickers

Words of Wisdom

If enough of us choose to change even one small thing, together we have the power to change anything.

— Rick Hansen
"Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see the beauty, believe in them and try to follow where they lead."
- Lousia May Alcott

Thursday, August 25, 2011

July 2011 Trip to LA: GDA Graduation

Renelle waiting for the ceremony to start. We sat behind where Kennedy's PR's were to sit. So we got a great view of the ceremony and Jay and Kennedy.

Aren't they cute! Kennedy is watching the rest of the Graduates come on to the stage.

Renelle is watching Jay and Kennedy.

Kennedy looks like a seal here.

Speeches, LOTS of speeches - here they are recognizing the team trainers. The tall blonde is the lead instructor for the class.

The class of June 10, 2011

Kelly (sitting next to Jay) and her husband (the fore ground) are Kennedy's PR.

One of the sponsors for one of the dog's was a biker's group...

Renelle kept watching and sighed....a lot.

Kennedy got restless....

but showed her love for her person!

Here are the are the graduation video's. Enjoy.

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